Since more than 20 years we have appraised properties in Germany, in nearly all European countries as well as in Asia, the Americas and Australia. Due to our  many years of experience, we dispose of distinguished real estate market knowledge.
We perform our services professionally, independent and impartial. We feel bound to the professional ethics standards of the publicly appointed and sworn surveyors. Our team consists of 14 employees, who possess excellent qualifications and expertise due to theirs predominantly interdisciplinary formation.The professional competences are supplemented through language skills. A permanent education in real estate valuation is taken for granted.

Timo Bärwolf

Diploma in Business Administration (Martin Luther University in Halle)

Publicly appointed and sworn surveyor for the valuation of developed and undeveloped real estate by the Chamber of Engineering, Saxony-Anhalt
German Federal Association for Real Estate Investment Surveyors (BIIS)
Chamber of Engineers, Saxony-Anhalt
Sponsorship Association of Real Estate Valuation- Anhalt University of Applied Science (supporting member)

Dirk Esselmann

Diploma in Engineering (Technical University Dortmund)

Publicly appointed and sworn surveyor for the valuation of developed and undeveloped real estate by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce North-Westphalia
German Federal Association for Real Estate Investment Surveyors (BIIS)
German Federal Association of publicly appointed and sworn as well as qualified surveyors (BVS)
Sponsorship Association of Real Estate Valuation - Anhalt University
of Applied Science (supporting member)

Juliane Pilger

B. A. Real Estate Management
M.Sc. In Real Estate Valuation

Member of the Association of the Real Estate Valuation - Anhalt University of Applied Sciences


Nadine Hillgruber

graduate engineer
assessor in surveying and cadastre
Real Estate Valuer HypZert (F)


Andy Rodigas

Certified Technician in Engineering

André Jager

B. A. Real Estate Management
Real Estate Management Assistent
Member of the Association of the Real Estate Valuation - Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

Julia Penning

B. A. Real Estate Management

Member of the Association of the Real Estate Valuation - Anhalt University of Applied Sciences


Martin Hagedorn

B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Von der IHK Nord Westfalen öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter Sachverständiger für die Bewertung von bebauten und unbebauten Grundstücken
Immobiliengutachter HypZert für finanzwirtschaftliche Zwecke (Markt- und Beleihungswertermittlung) – CIS HypZert (F)
Diplom-Sachverständiger (DIA) für die Bewertung von bebauten und
unbebauten Grundstücken, für Mieten und Pachten

Anna Scholzen

Immobilienvermittlerin (IHK)
Immobiliengutachterin für die Bewertung von Immobilien gemäß § 5 BelWertV

Stefanie Theobald

Degree in Business Administration (University of Applied Sciences)

Reinhild Reinermann

Bank Business Management

Heike Rickert

Management Assistant

Victoria Riemann

Management Assistant